Custom honoured by Deloitte for the second consecutive year
Also in 2020 our Group received the prestigious "Deloitte Best Managed Companies” award.
Custom is among the winners of the 3rd edition of the “Best Managed Companies”, the initiative promoted by Deloitte to support and reward excellent Italian companies for their organisational skills, strategy and performance. Deloitte takes into consideration 6 pillars: Strategy, Capabilities and Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Culture and Commitment, Governance and Performance Evaluation, Internationalisation.
“Congratulations to Custom for this important recognition”, Ernesto Lanzillo, Private Leader for Italy, Greece and Malta, and Andrea Restelli, Deloitte Partner and BMC director, both announce. “The winning companies for this third edition have not only demonstrated excellence, but also great capabilities and resilience in dealing with the crisis caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic. The evaluation of the candidates, in fact, was extended for longer than expected, specifically to allow us to analyse the candidates’ management methods in the emergency. The 59 Best Managed Companies for this edition are, therefore, a reflection of a nation, Italy, made up of excellences that, leaning precisely on their strengths and through cautious management, are successfully exceeding in a period of uncertainty without precedents”.
Carlo Stradi, President & CEO of Custom Group, comments this prestigious goal with these words: “technological innovation and sustainability will drive the economy globally; contingency plan logic has forced companies to re-think the entire sector of the business, the adoption of new technologies will always be a driving force for the optimisation of the processes and the strengthening of all the business areas. A process started two years ago according to the 2025 industrial plan, a strategy that has already recorded important results thanks to the incredible resilience, team spirit and teamwork on behalf of all the Custom Group resources, who have managed the change and the evolution required in an extraordinary manner, identifying new efficient solutions and actions. This important international recognition is an additional confirmation of the strategy started two years ago”.
Press release:
- Il Sole 24 Ore (see the attached article)
- Forbes
Published on 16/09/2020 in News