Loss Prevention: first of all, security!
Retail Loss Prevention means all the procedures used by Retail companies to reduce to the maximum the losses and preserve the profits.
A recent estimate by Global Retail Barometer reports about a worldwide loss in terms of frauds and mistakes in the field of Retail for 128 trillion dollars and shows an interest of about 46% of the retailers for the introduction of precautionary adequate solutions.
In Italy, every store gives up about 4,000 euros per year in terms of profits because of an inefficient control of losses, especially for what is related to cash, among fake notes and coins, frauds, thefts and mistakes made by the employees while checking cash transactions.
Despite of the fast increase of online or credit card payments, the transactions made by cash continue and involve a great part of the market, bringing with them all the risks related to cash management.
About this, Custom proposes to its customers CHS100, the Cash Management system that allows an automatic management of cash transactions, which means:
- You can accept the payment and give the change;
- It allows withdrawal and cash deposits;
- You can change coins and notes.
Three internal security levels, managed with three different access keys, make it a tool characterized by the maximum security, integrated and always connected with the cash system of the point of sale (POS and/or ECR). In addition to versatility and security, there are other benefits, such as time saving in terms of control and cash management, hygiene (since that there is no direct contact with money) and convenience.
In Italy again, the field of Fashion has the biggest effect on the turnover in terms of inventory differences. After Fashion, Food and Health&Beauty have the same problem.
The main factors that causes the losses due to inventory differences, which means the difference between the revenues that the store should have gained (on the basis of inventory and purchases) and those actually gained, are: thefts made by customers and employees, management mistakes and frauds made by suppliers.
Bizeta Retail Solutions, a company belonging to Custom Group and specialized in IT solutions for Retail, offers ? among its applications ? a complete software to identify and prevent the losses in the point of sale ? especially those related to frauds, non-compliances, unfair behaviours and thefts, protecting profits.
Based on data mining procedures and techniques applied in real time to transactions and integrated with control video techniques, the Loss Prevention software of the Custom Group's company represents the ideal solution for a correct protection of data and collections, where the maximum result is ensured by the collaboration and the support of a specialized and expert team as Bizeta's one.
For further information, you can visit www.custom.it and www.bizeta.net, or you can contact us writing to info@custom.biz.
Security is an actual topic, especially in the field of jobs and in the sectors that work with confidential data, which means information (belonging to people or companies) related to properties, finance aspects, credit cards data or other kinds of data which are important for companies or people.
Data Loss Prevention means computer safety referring to those practices that identify, control and protect this kind of data, used inside or outside the company.
In the field of Aviation, we often talk about security, saving and efficiency, the essential components useful to offer a high quality service and improve the passenger experience.
Custom, thanks to the experience of complex market fields, the synergy among the 6 divisions of the Group, and the continuous investments in Research & Development, succeed ? in 5 years only ? in making a great goal in this sector too, introducing innovations that made the difference both for customers and passengers. Let's discover together the latest ones:
Among the newest Custom innovations proposed for Aviation sector, we can find RFID tag direct printing on baggage tags, that allows to track the suitcases during all their path, reducing to the minimum the risk of loss or delay in the delivery, together with control security and data monitoring.
The patented VeriPrint® system allows to print and save in real time the digitalized image of the issued ticket, identifying problems with the print/paper and using the scanned document as electronic journal or certified copy of the issued document. It's a real tool for verification and digital copy, able to optimize the working process ensuring printing quality, traceability and security for passengers.
Custom MULSTISCAN is the latest innovation in the field of wireless and contactless communication. This highly performing scanner system integrates: RFID technology, 2D barcode scanning (available both with WiFi and Bluetooth), contactless charge, an integrated display able that allows the user to display and compare data, and features able to work with or without a PC.
These are only a few solutions proposed by Custom, with the aim of putting data security at the first place. Visit our websiteto discover them all, and you will find out the only objective for Custom: improve the experience of the end user.
Custom solutions make this, as Gabriele Ruggieri, responsible for Custom Aviation division, told during an interview to ictbusiness.it: "In the field of Aviation, the last but not the least to benefit from the innovations introduced in 25 years of experience is the passenger, that can smoothly travel, save time and avoid queues thanks to the increased efficiency of kiosks and desks and, finally, can count of high security standards".
Published on 30/03/2017 in Technological Innovations