Retail & Hospitality

在设计和制定零售解决方案、为公众提供自动化和创新服务方面,Custom 是国际公认的标杆。 实现数字上的增长,但最重要的是它提供的产品。一种不断发展的面向客户的方法,从倾听市场开始,允许确定集成解决方案,为客户提供硬件、软件和服务的完整组合。 凭借硬件、软件和服务之间的协作,Custom为零售界提供全套解决方案,确保付款台速度、优化全渠道零售能力并提高生产力。Custom集团是所有销售点的理想联盟,这得益于其创新打印解决方案,它们能够整合零售管理应用软件,带有为零售商提供的援助服务的支持。 为了改善客户购买体验,PC POS系统、收据打印机、POS终端及其它类型的特征在于使用简单并且设计独特。

Retail 4.0

Custom represents the single point of contact capable of providing everything the Retailer needs to meet current market requirements

Retail 4.0 The trade industry is now clearly operating in an omni-channel environment. In a scenario where tangible and virtual reality blend, overseeing each sales channel consistently by means of technology becomes an essential factor. Point-of-sale automation, integration between online and offline, personalisation of the Shopping Experience, and the use of artificial intelligence are no longer just trends, but an everyday reality. Being equipped with cutting edge solutions is therefore a requirement that Retailers should meet to keep up-to-date. Download the PDF A white paper dedicated to the customer experience evolution

Retail 4.0
