Logistics & Postal

对于运输和物流企业的要求变得越来越严苛并与复杂管理相关联,其中时间和效率是决定性要素。 凭借Custom的物流解决方案,可以简化标签打印和条形码扫描的整个流程,由特定的先进软件支持。 Custom提供广泛的资源监控解决方案,旨在尽可能缩短等待时间并提高工作能力,确保装卸区域的安全 率、生产力水平。

Transport & Logistics

Today it is possible to optimise the various phases of transport and logistics, from the warehouse to delivery

Transport & Logistics Today it is possible to optimise the various phases of transport and logistics: by relying on complete, high performance technological solutions, you can track goods fro...

Transport & Logistics
