Polis Project: Custom was awarded Poste Italiane's tender
Custom Group was awarded Poste Italiane's tender for the supply of multi-service kiosks. The "Polis Project - Digital Service Houses" is a social inclusion program conceived to convey the Public Administration’s telematic services into Post Offices, with the creation of proximity "One Stop Facilities" in 6,933 municipalities with a population of less than 15,000 inhabitants.
A project featuring Custom Group's technology, which has succeeded in creating self-service kiosks to be installed in post offices, where citizens will be able to request advanced public administration services (e.g., registry certificates). Custom Group will be thus providing an innovative solution capable of helping all citizens to save time on the one hand, and expediting the use of those digital solutions that will simplify the relationship between citizens and the Public Administration, with a cross-cutting approach throughout Italy.
Download the attached press release.
Published on 20/02/2024 in Press releases