How airports handle checked-in lauggage: 2019 Baggage Report Summary
Worried about your suitcase getting lost at the airport? Let's take a look at the annual stats on how airlines handle checked-in luggage.
The 2019 Baggage Report – released by SITA, a global air transport technology provider – reveals that the number of passengers passing through airports has increased by 75%, with numbers skyrocketing from 2.48 billion to 4.36 billion in just over a decade.
The data speaks for itself: we’re choosing to fly much more frequently.
But thanks to new management technology solutions adopted by airlines, our baggage is getting lost much less often.
According to SITA’s Baggage Report, an average of 5.69 suitcases per 1,000 passengers were misplaced last year, compared to 18.8 suitcases in 2007.
That’s an improvement rate of 66%.
But why are airports able to handle checked-in luggage more efficiently?
One thing is certain: technology is an excellent ally. Airlines are beginning to adopt increasingly advanced technology solutions – such as tracking systems – in order to avoid errors and accidents when handling luggage.
And it’s not only about saving time and stress when running between gates to load luggage onto connecting flights, it’s also about making the process easier for airlines, which are able to make their redelivery networks more efficient, and consequently the credibility of their service.
In fact, 95% of misplaced baggage ultimately ends up being returned to its rightful owner. The majority of misplaced suitcases (77%) are returned late, while 18%arrive at their destination damaged.
Only 5%of misplaced luggage is reported as lost or stolen.
In 2018, a greater number of airlines and airports chose to invest in baggage tracking systems to help with checking passengers in, loading luggage onto aircrafts, connections, and arrival processes. But why?
In order to improve management processes and reduce the risk of making mistakes.
SITA’s report also provides some preliminary data on just how effective tracking systems can be. When suitcases are tracked during the loading process, it results in an improvement rate of between 38% and 66% depending on how new systems function in comparison to pre-existing ones.
Sergio Colella, European President of SITA, issued a statement regarding this year’s report:
“Baggage tracking solutions are key to reducing baggage errors, especially when bags and luggage are transferred from one flight to another, which is a particularly critical step in the process because it involves several airlines and airports. In 2018, 46% of problems occurred at this stage. In addition to improving management processes, tracking baggage allows passengers to keep an eye on their possessions throughout the journey.”
The record decline in misplaced baggage is a good incentive to travel by plane and considering the fact that passenger numbers have increased exponentially in recent years, systems are only likely to get better.
Custom Group’s cutting-edge technology solutions support many of the world’s largest airports. When it comes to the Aviation sector, offering reliable, up-to-date solutions is a key requirement.
From checking-in to arriving at the gate and boarding the plane: Custom offers solutions that help to simplify all processes, both in terms of printing systems and airport management processes!
Publicat în data de 12/07/2019 în Trends & Markets